
Sacred Stages

CD Cover Art | Promotional Posters | Web elements

Promotional Poster / Composite Image    Photo of Ms. Bargman:  Ron Rinaldi

When Sacred Stages contacted me about creating vivid promotional materials for the groundbreaking “Cabaritual," The Edge of Every Day, starring Sandra Bargman, I jumped in with both feet to create a campaign that would capture the spiritual messages of the show while showcasing the intelligent and alluring essence of its star.


The pieces I was asked to create had to have dignity and be playful and magical.  They also had to be something that would be remarkable and tempting to potential audience members in New York City, a place that is chock full of stimulating entertainment imagery.


I explored the core of the show including its iconography, its music and its intent.  From that research, I was able to create a series of show posters, lobby cards, web announcement elements and finally CD presentation designs, including CD packaging, CD labels and debut performance announcements for the web.


My relationship with Sacred Stages continues as we create new production imagery for new shows and other entertainment enterprises.

CD Packaging | Outside Back

CD Packaging | Outside Front

CD Packaging | Inside Left

CD Packaging | Inside Right

CD Release Party announcement for print and web

CD Packaging | Disc Art

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